Play at HGA

All golfers (including Walk-in golfers) with a valid handicap from any USGA / IGU recognised club shall be entitled to play by paying the requisite green fee. Such players must produce a valid handicap card from their home club. Persons without a valid handicap card will not be allowed to play on the course unless certified by the HGA coach that the member is proficient enough to go on the course.

Explore information on:
Timings, Dress Code, Rules, Etiquette, Decorum, Course Layout, Fees, Scoring



Check the latest tariff with Starter desk: +91 94901 16041
(Above all taxes applicable and 29 + tax Day Charge for Non-Member)

Pro - Shop

Mulligan Golf Proshop & Club Fitting

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Call us for more details:

Raju: +91 8885442227
Farooq: +91 9985545774