About the Hyderabad Golf Association
The Hyderabad Golf Association (HGA) is a non-profit sports body formed in 1992, to promote the sport of golf in the state of Telangana. It is totally funded by member subscriptions and has no private or corporate interest. The management is vested in a Managing Committee consisting of Elected office bearers and officials of the Tourism Department & ASI.
Goals and objectives:
- Build an international standard golf course and conduct major International Tournaments that showcase Hyderabad, and the beautiful Golconda Fort.
- Develop Golf as a sport by making it extremely affordable
- Nurture and train players from Telangana to represent India in the Olympics.

This facility would be accessible to all residents of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad as well as visiting golfers from India and abroad.
It goes without saying that it would also be an added attraction to the social infrastructure of the cities and substantially enhance tourism and increase revenue and international exposure to Hyderabad.
Let’s not forget the substantial employment created for over 500 people in the neighbourhood!
Our Background
A project to develop an international standard public golf course was envisaged in 2001. The government identified the following land around Nayaqila, Golconda for this purpose namely Jamali gunta and Shatam cheruvu situated outside the Golconda fort and Nayaqila which is part of the Golconda fort. HGA is a licensee for establishing and running the golf course & academy.
The entire Nayaqila is a protected monument under the custody of the Archaeological Society of India (ASI). Since part of the land was inside a protected monument, the permission of the Archaeological Survey of India was obtained for setting up an International standard golf course
The land was licensed to the Hyderabad Golf Association for developing an international standard golf course. The 18 hole golf course was completed in August 2014.
A Brief History
A project to develop an international standard public golf course was envisaged and land licensed in 2001. The government identified the land around Nayaqila, Golconda for this purpose namely,
- Jamali gunta situated outside the Golconda fort – was a municipal garbage dump for many decades.
- Satam cheruvu situated outside the Golconda fort
- Nayaqila which is an extended portion of the Golconda fort Since part of the land was inside a protected monument, permission was obtained from the Archaeological Survey of India.



General Committee Members
Former Presidents, Captains &
Honorary Secretaries
Sub-committee Members
Finance, Golf Course, House, Tournament, Handicap,
Junior Development & Academy, Building, IT, Legal